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Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« : 13 Jan 2008, 00:22 »

Dette jeg har tænkt mig at C/P herinde, er direkte fra FM-Britain. Derfor vil jeg også inkludere links til de ting jeg smider herinde.

Jeg har valgt ikke at oversætte tingene, da de står på engelsk og jeg regner med at langt de fleste kan forstå meningen med det. Ellers er I velkomne til at spørge, så skal jeg nok forklare min fortolkning af det Smiley

Det der er skrevet med fed skrift, er de muligheder som du normalt får i spillet, mht. Team-talk eller spørgsmål.

Jeg ved ikke hvor mange af jer der har læst det, eller er opmærksomme på det. Personligt er det først fornyligt, men det vendte alt op og ned for mig ingame. Jeg gik fra at have tabt 8 kampe i træk til at jeg nu ligger på en stabil 9 plads og bevæger mig stadig op af.

Her er lidt af det guf jeg snakker om:

Pre-match talk:

Finally, after so many preliminaries, the most important part: The media pre-match interaction. Now you can make up for anything you missed before or finally blow it. Choose your options wisely and remember that being over-confident rarely is rewarded in the game. To make things clear: good pre-match comments will not win a game for you. But giving the wrong comments can have catastrophic effects and giving the right comments can boost your morale strongly.

    * We are in a good form and can win this = The option to go with if your team is having a good run, if your odds are looking good and if your players are determined and can handle pressure.

    * They can cause us problems = If your form and odds are less brilliant, if you are additionally playing away and if your players suffer from a lack of self-believe, this option will cause less pressure and you will see your squad being more relaxed.
    * Just want a good performance =  If you really do not see many chances to get away with a result or a point. Takes the pressure off your players and most likely will result in a good morale despite taking a loss. Don’t underestimate your team though, it may also lose motivation, if you do so.

    * You can see your team winning anyway = If you are at the very top, dominating the league from first to last and you intend to play an out-of-form relegation candidate, you can make some fun out of it and raise your profile as arrogant genius. Maybe you will get an award, but as you can guess, this option is rarely of any use, if ever. A comment by crazy gra which I found too good to leave it out: This special option is great if you want everyone without a sense of humour to hate you, especially those named Rafa or Roman. Wink

    * No comment = Only advisable if your morale already is superb across the board.


Pre-match team talks

After hitting the ‘Ask Assistant’ button and singling out (or reverting) some of the individual team talk suggestions he made, you should now make your personal choice how you want to send your squad into the game.

    * Tell the players they can win this game = Probably a good choice for most home games in which you are favourite, also if odds are in your favour for away games and you feel this is a realistic view of your team in contrast to over-hyped odds due to a good run. You will soon see that this can become your standard team talk easily once you managed to assemble a combination of solid tactics, a gelled squad and consistent performances. In fact, despite the advice to vary team-talks given by the in-game hints, there is not too much room for variations if you have reached this state of stable performance. Don’t hesitate to use it then and vary on rare occasions plus vary individual talks in this situation.

    * Wish the team luck for the match ahead = This should be your choice for away games or home games where odds are clearly against you. The message is simple: you do not have to win today, I already would be happy with one point. So you should not be too angry if you will not get more, but your team may be much more relaxed and eventually get a result.

    * Tell the players you expect them to win the match = A clear and simple statement, and it will be understood as is. However, this can make your players buckle and succumb to the pressure. It can be helpful under these circumstances: you are clear favourite for the match and you do have a very determined, ambitious and professional squad. You will see that these kinds of squads often will react very positive and delighted if you put things clear. If you are lacking these kinds of players and a clear situation for the match, you should stay off from this choice.

    * Tell the players to do this for the supporters = For some strange reason the default assistant choice. But this should be reserved for the rather few games (depending on your league) against fierce rivals and occasionally for cup finals (get the trophy for the fans!). Always add individual talks.

    * Tell the players there is no pressure on them today = An option if wish luck seems to be too much. In other words, if you expect your team to lose anyway or to face one of the hardest games of the season, no matter if you manage a top team or a relegation candidate. Combine this with encouraging individual talks to all key players. Also, this is the most valuable team talk if your team is in a crisis and lost its winning form for several games and now will play a seemingly small opponent at home. More then once I have seen a team recovering using this route. It seems to work equally well for highly determined squads, which have started to dominate a league at will and have several leading members with high influence and determination on the field.


Half-time team talks

The most important part of it since you now have the chance to keep your team on its toes if they are already winning, spur them up if they are behind and need to turn around the game or make them more focussed if they are playing well but cannot score. Wasting your half-time team talks can mean throwing away games and points and will definitely come back to hurt you.

    * Show your anger at the team/I expect nothing else then a win = You are behind or drawing a game which you should clearly win without any doubt. Change formations, bring on a new player and combine with individual talks and you should see a different second half. Most likely you will be hailed by your players for turning around this game if you should succeed.

    * Disappointed/I want to see more from you = You are behind away, but you do not clearly see that a win is a must, you are draw against a quite good team at home or you are leading with a big team but only by one goal and the game is far away from being safe for you side, and the number of chances created is too low. Demand more any you may get it.

    * You can win today = Encourage your players in a positive way. Use this route if Angry/Disappointed may be too harsh since you are playing strong teams, if you still surprisingly hold a draw away without being favourite and think you have potential to win. Also, this is the way to go if you would have preferred angry/disappointed but your team has low morale

    * Sympathize = The way to go if you unlucky behind or drawing, but see a good performance.

    * Pleased = For sustaining a good, at least two goals lead against a good opponent.

    * Show encouragement to the team (if available) = If you are leading closely against strong opponents but your team is playing well and should maintain the performance to win.

    * Don’t let your performance drop (if available) = If you are leading closely and feel your team is in control and dominating but has to stay focused to keep the lead.

    * Pleased at the performance (if available) = Shows this: your are outplaying them everywhere! If you dominate from first to last, but missed to score yet, just scored once and all you need is more luck with finishing.

    * Thrilled = For a clear cut lead of three goals at half time, or a good lead away, or leading against a very strong opponent. Whenever your teams performs above themselves (even if they do it every week).

    * For the fans = See pre-match. Only for fierce rivals or cup finals.

    * Go out and enjoy the rest of the game/The pressure is off = For friendlies, if there is not much left to win, if you are already clearly behind and playing a team which is also clearly better then your own team and expecting to turn around will be asking for too much.


Da jeg så hvor meget dette indtil videre fyldte, så ville jeg ikke inkludere nøglespiller match talk, så der må I altså selv benytte linket =)

Links: Matches build up interaction - http://www.fm-britain.co.uk/index.php?page=articles&view=news&news_id=178

Match Day Interaction - Team Talks - http://www.fm-britain.co.uk/index.php?page=articles&view=news&news_id=179

Match Day Interaction - Individual Player Talks - http://www.fm-britain.co.uk/index.php?page=articles&view=news&news_id=180


Jeg er ked af hvis man ikke må inkludere links i ens forum posts, men jeg syntes bare ikke det var rigtigt at tyvstjæle noget fra et andet site, uden at angive hvor jeg havde fået det fra. Som sagt, det har hjulpet mig ekstremt meget.



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Sv: Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« Svar #1: 13 Jan 2008, 00:29 »

Rigtig god guide. Meget nyttig.

Det er helt fint at linke til andre sider, hvis det er noget vi ikke selv har og det ikke er ment som reklame.


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Sv: Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« Svar #2: 13 Jan 2008, 00:30 »

Rigtig god guide. Meget nyttig.

Det er helt fint at linke til andre sider, hvis det er noget vi ikke selv har og det ikke er ment som reklame.

Det er bestemt ikke ment som reklame, da jeg også synes at det er en rigtig god guide. Så er glad for at høre, at det er okay =)

Sv: Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« Svar #3: 13 Jan 2008, 00:40 »

Har aldrig taget mig sammen til at finde meningerne med sine udtagelser og deres virkning.. Rigtig godt, nu fik jeg læst det og blev desuden klogere - tak for det! Smiley


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Sv: Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« Svar #4: 13 Jan 2008, 00:43 »

Har aldrig taget mig sammen til at finde meningerne med sine udtagelser og deres virkning.. Rigtig godt, nu fik jeg læst det og blev desuden klogere - tak for det! Smiley

Jamen det var da så lidt. Ikke rigtig noget arbejde i det fra min side af. Synes bare at det var for godt til ikke at blive delt med andre =)


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Sv: Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« Svar #5: 13 Jan 2008, 01:12 »

da jeg syns dette også er ret relevant vil jeg vælge at linke til en guide skrevet af brugeren wolfsong inde på si's officielle forum har haft okay succes med at bruge hans råd og hans guide er også en anelse mere detaljeret med hensyn til selve kampen..


Sv: Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« Svar #6: 13 Jan 2008, 01:20 »

Tilknytter mig roserne, selvom jeg vidste de fleste ting. Uden tvivl en brugbar guide - thums up to the author!


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Sv: Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« Svar #7: 14 Jan 2008, 22:54 »

Yes. det er en kanon guide.

Kan vamrt anbefale at snuse lidt rundt inde på www.fm-britain.co.uk.
Man kan finde mange guldkorn hvis man gider bruge tiden på at læse deres TT&F guide igennem
Den er temmelig omfattende så det tager noget tid. Men er  besværret værd hvis man mangler inspiration til det taktiske


Sv: Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« Svar #8: 02 Feb 2008, 19:06 »

rigtig fed guide, har lært en hel masse af den Thumbs Up
har fundet en guide inde på fmglive der er lidt i samme stil: Teamtalk guide som jeg også har fundet nytig Thumbs Up


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Sv: Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« Svar #9: 18 Mar 2008, 13:12 »

Rigtig Fed blog det her:D


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Sv: Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« Svar #10: 18 Mar 2008, 13:43 »

Rigtig rigtig god guide... Jeg har underligt nok næsten altid bare sagt for fansene, men noget siger mig at jeg har trådt godt i spinaten ved at gøre det... Grin  Rullende Øjne

Det gav ihvertfald et godt indblik i, hvordan de forskellige udtalelser påvirker holdets præstation Thumbs Up

Jeg siger hele sandheden, kun sandheden, og altid sandheden Peace

men den tyske talentmasse er så enorm at jeg tror på et VM guld om to år  Smiley


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Sv: Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« Svar #11: 18 Mar 2008, 21:58 »

Hvis man er foran med 2 mål ved halvleg, så kender vi alle hvor svært det kan være holde den føring og derfor har jeg i 5-6 kampe hvor jeg har været foran med 2 mål i stedet for at give den klassike for the supporters eller don´t expekt them to drop, har jeg brugt dispointment i stedet for samtidigt med jeg under team instructions har sagt all out attack i stedet for at holdet  er gået ned i tempo, er der faktisk en del der har været fired up/ seemed motivated i stedet for og det har faktisk givet 1 eller 2 mål ekstra...

Sv: Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« Svar #12: 25 Mar 2008, 18:52 »

Tak for at vidregive guiden! Thumbs Up

Sv: Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« Svar #13: 18 Apr 2008, 22:13 »

Kan ikke engelsk. Kan den íkke blive oversat!

Sv: Pre-match talk - Match talk - Kommentar til profiler osv.
« Svar #14: 18 Apr 2008, 22:40 »

Sådan! Det var sgu dejligt at der var en der gad at tage sig den tid det tager at lave den guide. Så har jeg endelig noget at forholde mig til næste gang jeg skal give en teamtalk.

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