Network gamesHow to set-up a network gameThe following guide provides instructions for creating a game with multiple players across a network.
In order to create a network game allowing multiple players to play against one another, one member must act as the host.
Creating a game (Host):To allow other players to connect, the host (the person creating the game) needs to follow the instructions outlined below:
-Select Preferences
-Select Network
-Enter a name for Server Name
* A password is optional-Select Run as Server
-Click Confirm
-Start a New Game
-Create a new manager profile and select a team to manage
-Click on
Save As… to save your process
Joining a game (Client)
After the host has created a game, other players, referred to as clients, can attempt to join the network game.
To join the network game the client/s will need to follow the instructions outlined below:
- Select Join Network Game
- Select Join Other Server
This step requires the IP Address of the host.
To identify the IP Address of a computer follow the instructions below:
Windows PC:
·Click the Start menu
·Select Programs
·Select Accessories
·Select Command Prompt
ipconfig·Press Enter
Apple Macintosh:
·Click on System Preferences
·Select Network
·Select active connection
- Enter the IP Address of Host
- Click Ok
- Once connected you will be prompted to add a manager profile:
- Click on FM
- Select Add New Manager
- Create a new manager profile and select a team to manage
The network game should now be established which can be confirmed by viewing the staff page from the information section for the club managed either by the host or client.
Any other questions regarding playing the game online or in a LAN can be answered here -