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Forfatter Emne: De bedste egenskaber for hver position !  (Læst 849 gange)
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De bedste egenskaber for hver position !
« : 03 Dec 2008, 16:35 »

handling, communication, jumping and positioning are generally a good indicator for how good a goalkeeper is.

good wing-back pay special attention to an individual's positioning, tackling, stamina, pace and acceleration.

Positioning, tackling, pace and anticipation are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good full-back.

A good centre-back will usually have high ratings for tackling, jumping, positioning, heading, strength, marking, bravery and team work

Pace, dribbling, passing, off the ball, creativity, stamina and crossing are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good winger.

Attacking Midfielder
Passing, off the ball, creativity, technique, dribbling and stamina are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good attacking midfielder.

Defensive Midfielder
A good defensive midfielder will most likely have high ratings for tackling, work rate, stamina and positioning.

Pace, acceleration, dribbling, technique, finishing and off the ball are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good pacey striker.

Target Man:
Jumping, heading, strength and off the ball are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good target man.

Håber der er nogen der kan bruge det Opstemt

Sider: [1] Udprint 

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