
Andre Managerspil => Nostalgi => Emne startet af: Jimmi.Pop 22 Okt 2006, 03:07

Titel: Vil du have HUGE database igen? Så kig herind...
Oprettet af: Jimmi.Pop 22 Okt 2006, 03:07
Download denne .xml fil og kopiér den ind i: "Football Manager 2007\data\panels".

EDIT: Undskyld linket er direkte fra et andet dansk site, det så jeg ikke lige i farten.
Hvis det ikke er iorden, må I jo slette.

Titel: Sv: Vil du have HUGE database igen? Så kig herind...
Oprettet af: Sunbao 22 Okt 2006, 03:40
Det går nok, vil dog henlede opmærksomheden på at der jo altså er en grund til at de har valgt at fjerne huge db'en.

First off the reason the huge database option was removed was to do with game balance (mainly with the regeneration and progression of players in long term games) and has made for better gameplay which is imho one of the most important things.

For those of you who are missing this option however it is possible to easily retain as many players as were present in the 'old' huge DB and have the advantage of being able to control the players retained much more accurately than using the prior option.

1. Selecting leagues
Selecting more leagues will obviously force the inclusion of more players within the game world.

One thing which you might not be aware of however is that selecting leagues on other continents to your main one will force the inclusion of more players on that continent (not just in the league you've selected).

2. DDT files
(first off thanks to "Matt Jones" for posting this originally and saving me from having to think and write something myself Wink ):

The two DDT commands that you'll be interested in for these purposes are:


The following is an example of what the contents of a DDT file look like:


"RETAIN_PLAYERS" "Celtic" = will retain all of Celtics’ players upon starting a new game – if you put the old firm into the Premiership, you must make a file like this to ensure that they have full squads.

"RETAIN_NATION_PLAYERS" "China PR" = will retain all players with a nationality of China PR.

How do I make them and where do they go?
EDT and DDT files are created in notepad. When you go into notepad, and have finished typing in your commands, click File. Then, click Save. In the dialog box that appears, select “All Files” for the file type (this option is near the bottom). Then, type in whateveryouwant.edt or whateveryouwant.ddt (obviously changing “whateveryouwant” to something more memorable).

Save them in the “C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2007\data\db” directory (where “C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2007” is the location you installed the game to).

The only thing that the check boxes on the preferences screen do is to rename the file within the directory mentioned above from *.edt to *.edd and from *.ddt to *.ddd to effectively disable them from being read by the game upon starting a new game.

Titel: Sv: Vil du have HUGE database igen? Så kig herind...
Oprettet af: -KNM- 23 Okt 2006, 19:36
Jeg har hentet filen retain_nation_players her fra siden og nu er mit spil ekstremt langsomt. Er det grunden? Og hvad skal jeg gøre for at gøre det hurtigere? Skal jeg bare slette de linjer i ddt filen jeg ikke gider bruger??

Titel: Sv: Vil du have HUGE database igen? Så kig herind...
Oprettet af: FCK88 23 Okt 2006, 20:04
Citat af: -KNM- 23 Okt 2006, 19:36
Jeg har hentet filen retain_nation_players her fra siden og nu er mit spil ekstremt langsomt. Er det grunden? Og hvad skal jeg gøre for at gøre det hurtigere? Skal jeg bare slette de linjer i ddt filen jeg ikke gider bruger??

Du kunne jo enten slette Huge DB igen eller bruge CM-Speeder..

Titel: Sv: Vil du have HUGE database igen? Så kig herind...
Oprettet af: -KNM- 23 Okt 2006, 20:10
Det er et helt nyt spil, så cm speeder virker nok ikke. vil gerne have Huge. Bare ikke SÅ huge!!

Titel: Sv: Vil du have HUGE database igen? Så kig herind...
Oprettet af: FCK88 23 Okt 2006, 20:22
tja.. så kan jeg ikke umiddelbart hjælpe dig.. men prøv Sunbao eller Hawk1nZ.. :D

Titel: Sv: Vil du have HUGE database igen? Så kig herind...
Oprettet af: mogr 24 Okt 2006, 18:04
Der er endnu en tråd, startet af Gaylord. Måske I kan finde hjælp der...
I kan også forsøge med programmet DDT Generator at lave jeres egne DDT-filer. Gør som Skoder. Vælg de øverste divisioner fra de lande hvor I ønsker at spillerne skal være med. Det vil gøre at jeres DB ikke nødvendigvis bliver unødig 'Huge', men alligevel vil den indeholde mange af de 'uopdagede talenter', som vi alle søger at finde...

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