
Andre Managerspil => Skadestuen => Emne startet af: Arch 01 Nov 2012, 20:57

Titel: Steam fejl!
Oprettet af: Arch 01 Nov 2012, 20:57

Både igår og idag, når jeg starter Steam, har den reageret ved undervejs at finde en trojan horse i filen "crash handler dll".

Det gør så, at jeg ikke kan opdatere steam, da den bare går ud af det.

Jeg har prøvet at slå min anti virus fra (AVG), men så når den bare til 99%, hvorefter den siger, at den nu ikke kan finde "crash handler."

Hvad gør jeg, vil gerne være klar til at kunne spille kl. 1?

Titel: Sv: Steam fejl!
Oprettet af: Sunbao 01 Nov 2012, 21:06
nti-Virus or Spyware Scanning Software is conflicting with Steam

Please add “FM.exe”to the list of exclusions within your security software. If this alone doesn't work we would suggest adding the entire Steam folder to the list of exclusions.

Unfortunately we cannot give specific steps on how to do this as it is dependent on your anti-virus program but usually it is as follows: navigate to Antivirus -> Advanced Settings -> Exclusions and add the “FM.exe” there.
The “FM.exe” can be found at “C: Program Files -> Steam ->steamapps -> common -> football manager 2013”

Some security software can also prevent the normal loading operation of Steam games, including common errors such as “Unable to load filesystem_steam.dll” and “Engine Error: Could not load library client”.
We’re aware that some Anti-Virus programs have encountered issues allowing Steam to run, the main being the following:

- Avast!
- BitDefender
- PC Tools
- Spyware Doctor
- Threatfire

For these programs, if you still cannot launch the game even after configuring them to allow Steam to run, we suggest uninstalling the security software (disabling often will not turn it off fully). However, it’s very important to note if you undertake this make certain that Windows Firewall is switched on so you still have some protection. We've also found that the free Anti-virus program Microsoft Security Essentials has been able to run Steam without any problems.

You can find more information on how to configure your Firewall to allow Steam to run flawlessly:

You can also find a list of programs that could interfere with Steam below:

Titel: Sv: Steam fejl!
Oprettet af: Arch 01 Nov 2012, 21:13
Tak for hjælpen, men her er problemet jo så, at om jeg så fjerner AVG (lukker det ned), vil den stadigvæk ikke samarbejde

Titel: Sv: Steam fejl!
Oprettet af: Sunbao 01 Nov 2012, 21:17
Som der skrives i det jeg linker til, afinstaller AVG, da der altid vil ligge noget at køre.

Titel: Sv: Steam fejl!
Oprettet af: Arch 01 Nov 2012, 21:39
Tusinde tak, det hjalp naturligvis at afinstallere AVG :)

Nu skal jeg bare have fundet et program der virker

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