
Andre Managerspil => Annonceringer FM2012 => Emne startet af: Sunbao 27 Okt 2011, 17:01

Titel: Patch 12.0.3 Rettelsesliste
Oprettet af: Sunbao 27 Okt 2011, 17:01
Changelist for Football Manager 2012 Patch 12.0.3:
- Fixed a crash on season turnover when adding MLS into the game without having it loaded at game start.
- Fixed Vancouver, Portland and Philadelphia not having Academy players properly generated.
- Fixed a crash when playing with two human managers and one of them was claiming a player waived by the other human manager.

- Fixed an issue where adding a league was causing more people then needed to be loaded into the game.

- Fixed an issue with international competitions sometimes getting the wrong number of teams from a continent.

- Fixed scaling of distance run stat in match stats.

- Included positioning training to goalkeeper shot stopping training

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