
Andre Managerspil => Omklædningsrummet => Emne startet af: JLC™ 08 Nov 2010, 18:24

Titel: The Thomas Müller Fix
Oprettet af: JLC™ 08 Nov 2010, 18:24
Dette er taget fra SI Games officielle forum.

Den tyske head researcher har åbenbart ændret i de ratings Bayern researcheren DerMef havde indgivet.
Og derfor har DerMef nu udgivet en opdatering af Bayern, som han selv har lavet ved brug af editoren, med de ratings han har indgivet.

Så nu kan Müller også lidt teknisk istedet for at have alle sin ratings point i det mentale.
Citat af: DerMef
This is a small fan-made db patch for FM2011.

I'm the Bayern researcher, so most of the Bayern players were rated by me. However, the German HR Kox rated some of the players (which is his prerogative). If you don't agree with Kox's ratings or want the whole squad rated by me for consistency, you can download this small db update.
If you like Kox's ratings, you can just play with the standard db. ;)

These player's attributes (and in some cases CA/PA) get changed to my ratings by the file:

Thomas Müller
Bastian Schweinsteiger
Miroslav Klose
Holger Badstuber
Diego Contento
Martín Demichelis

Additionally, I also included small updates and corrections for many Bayern players and also 3 players from my other team Fürth, because the database is already 2 months old and during that time you notice a few things you want to change. ;)

Note: This has nothing to do with an official data patch, it's a small collections of changes I made in the editor that I uploaded personally.

You can download the file here:

To use it, put the file in the 'Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2011/editor data'  folder and make sure Bayern.xml is activated when starting a new game.

Here is a screenshot of Müller, the player who is changed the most by the patch:
[img width=240 height=105][/img]

Link til DerMef's tråd:

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