
Andre Managerspil => Omklædningsrummet FM2009 => Emne startet af: lasse laulund 19 Nov 2008, 10:20

Titel: Nye patch - gamle spil?!?
Oprettet af: lasse laulund 19 Nov 2008, 10:20
Hey.. Nu er jeg startet en season og det går skide godt.. men jeg har ikke installeret patchen - dum som jeg er..

Men kan man godt spille de gamle seasoner, selvom man henter den nye patch?? eller på en eller anden måde lave formaten om, så man kan?

Håber i kan hjælpe.. :P ..

Titel: Sv: Nye patch - gamle spil?!?
Oprettet af: KF 19 Nov 2008, 10:23
Du kan godt spille videre paa dine gamle savegames, selvom du installerer patchen ja. Patch  vil dog ikke rette de fejl og mangler spillet har i allerede eksisterende savegames.

Titel: Sv: Nye patch - gamle spil?!?
Oprettet af: lasse laulund 19 Nov 2008, 10:26
okaii.. så der er ikke et program eller lignende, som kan rette det? :)

Titel: Sv: Nye patch - gamle spil?!?
Oprettet af: Shaft 19 Nov 2008, 10:33
Citat af: lasse laulund 19 Nov 2008, 10:26
okaii.. så der er ikke et program eller lignende, som kan rette det? :)


Titel: Sv: Nye patch - gamle spil?!?
Oprettet af: g00n 19 Nov 2008, 10:36
Fra SIgames forum:

Will all the fixes in the patch be fixed for our save games? For example, the Champions League draw bug. If after installing the likely 9.2.0, would the next season's draw be fixed? As well as the other fixes of course.


Yes, as always they are compatible. Some fixes however only become effective at the end/start of a season.


The patch will be save game compatible but any with data updates will require you to start a new game. If you intend to continue your demo game, then remember that you will be stuck with the same league you have chosen and only the small database.


Yeah, the patch is generally 100% save game compatible.


I am assuming its going to be like previous patches and would be save game compatible, but as always its recommended you start a new game for best results..


The patches have always been save game friendly mate. Its only with the database updates that you need to start a new game


SI will say "we recommend you start a new game with the patch". It should work fine continuing your game but when you get new bugs due to the new patch then you'll be told that it's because you didn't start a new game.

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