Nyt om Patchen
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Onsdag d. 14 November 2007 - 19:50 |
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Nyt om Patchen |
I've closed down the old patch thread as I wanted people to see the following, rather than it being lost, and to let everyone know exactly what is going on with the patch, and the process that has been gone through thus far.
I'm not interested in getting involved in the war of words that is going on- it's very easy for people to say things on an internet forum in the heat of moment, and most of us here have done it ourselves from time to time. We understand that some people are disappointed with the time the patch has taken, and some are disappointed with the game as a whole too. We've learnt over the years that it's not possible to please all people, all of the time, particularly not when you have as rabid and passionate a community as we have, so we concentrate on doing our best at all times.
For some of you, that best is not good enough, and there will be nothing that we can ever do or say that can change that. The constructive comments are always noted, and the destructive ones are ignored as much as possible, as getting annoyed, angry, or hurt just slows down the whole work process - we are a bunch of guys who make computer games with the purpose of entertaining people. What we do gives many people enjoyment, and we're very proud of that, but it's not as if our actions are the difference between the world being saved or not. We'll leave that to Hiro and his friends.
So, the patch. When the game was released, or with some things, between the game going into manufacture and it being released, there were a handful of issues reported that we deemed "must fix". There were also some little things that we wanted to look at. The senior team members here concentrated on the "must fix" side of things, with the less senior the other things.
Probably the most spoken about one of these is the "closing down" bug.
Whilst there were certainly workarounds for it, it was very frustrating, and Paul Collyer set about working on fixing it. The problem with fixing things in the match engine is that any tiny tweak can put the whole match engine out of sync. Paul fixed it quite early on, but other knock on problems occurred, and the match engine needed to be re-balanced to take those into account.
Whilst Paul was working on these, the Scottish fixture issue (whereby if you save between a certain couple of weeks of ingame time, and exit the game, and reload, the fixtures weren't generated) was fixed, some of the long term confidence issues were also sorted, as was a stadium expansion problem, along with lots of minor niggling things that wouldn't have been noticed by 99.99% of the people playing the game.
At this stage, we noticed that the matches were taking a lot longer to process, due to the extra calculations that were going on to fix the closing down issue, and the aforementioned other changes that developed from this. We decided to release the beta patch as we were unhappy with the speed decrease, but also felt it necessary that people could play the game, with us thinking that it was only the speed issue that needed to be sorted.
The beta patch threw up some more confidence issues that we hadn't seen, so those needed to be fixed aswell, and Paul and a coder on another project set about optimising the match engine.
The optimisation took slightly longer than we were hoping, and the match code then went into test internally here at SI (we've kept a lot more testers here than we would normally do after a game has come out to ensure that lots of testing is done on the patch) and what we call our "Dream Team", which is some of our most constructive vocal posters on these forums over the years. This threw up a few more match engine issues, and balancing issues compared to real world stats due to, as I mentioned earlier, any tiny changes in the match engine, even optimising, causing other issues to occur.
The stage we are at now is that Paul is finishing off some match engine tweaks over the next couple of days, and we'll then get that version out to the Dream Team and the QA guys, and get it tested over the weekend. If that all goes without a hitch, you can expect a patch early next week - it takes a day or so to build all the different versions of the patch that are needed.
If this testing doesn't go as well as we hope, and more problems are found, then I'll add to this thread, and give a new estimated timeframe.
There are no promises with any of this - I just wanted to explain the processes, which hopefully I've now done.
We are, as always, committed to everyone having the best gameplaying experience possible. Some people will not be happy, and that is the case with every game that is released, but some of the vitriol on these forums really surprises me sometimes. I've been playing the same version of the game that everyone on these forums has, and have been enjoying it immensely, in my 6th season with Watford and in the Champions League. I came across one of the bugs myself to do with confidence (and found one to do with stadium expansions that hasn't been reported here, but has been fixed before anyone could do!), so lost a couple of seasons of my "record" which was frustrating, but those have been minor issues compared to my enjoyment of the game thus far, and less "showstopping" than some of the issues I'm having with other games at the moment. There are no excuses though - we would love to have released a game with no issues at all, but sometimes things just slip through the net, and there's little we can do about that apart from try our best to fix them as quickly as we can. We're all working round the clock to achieve this.
17 Kommentarer til denne nyhed
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17 November, 2007 - 23:00
nej vi forventer ikke et spil uden fejl... men der må sq være grænser for hvor mange fejl.... syntes det bliver værre og værre for hver udgave :-( hellere vente med at udgive det til det er helt færdigt
16 November, 2007 - 17:04
I forventer et spil uden fejl.. det tror jeg aldrig jeg har oplevet et spil være.. der vil altid være fejl i et spil, hvis man ser på andre titler lidt i samme klasse, så kan vi vist godt være tilfredse.. PCM 07 var jo nærmest umuligt og spille inden patchen, det er FM dog ikke
16 November, 2007 - 16:59
syntes det er for dårligt til den pris at spillet ikke er færdigt... der er alt for mange fejl
16 November, 2007 - 16:41
En anden mulighed er der også: Kyld spillet ud!
Jeg er selv glad for dette sublime spil, og har ikke oplevet én eneste fejl. Har nok været én af de heldige.
Saying the game is bad, is just an excuse for not knowing how to play it!
16 November, 2007 - 14:39
Det er ikke særlig konstruktivt at høre på en masse brok, men i sidste ende, så er det ikke tilfredsstillende at man køber et spil, som ikke er pengene værd før en måned efter man har købt det!
16 November, 2007 - 09:47
Hørt... Sådan en tudesang der bliver skrevet der mildner ikke mig.
15 November, 2007 - 20:38
Selvom de selvfølgelig er engagerede, så skal de de sku også lave en ordentligt spil til den pris. De gør det jo ikke gratis
15 November, 2007 - 19:23
Rigtig flot af komme med sådan en respons, men det er jo ALT for sent den forklaring kommer. Den skulle have været ude, om ikke så i en kortere version, for mange uger siden. Man føler sku lidt man har siddet med håret i postkassen, efter at have købt et spil som ikke lever op til ens forventninger og efter et par uger, bliver man lovet at nogen vil ændre det, hvilket ikke er sket. Nu glæder jeg mig virkelig meget til næste uge og nu vil jeg ikke til at gå igang med et nyt spil.
15 November, 2007 - 14:49
Endelig lidt respons så man ved der bliver gjort noget....
15 November, 2007 - 09:39
Fint at man endelig kommer med en ordentlig udmelding. Så bliver det lidt nemmere at opnå folks forståelse istedet for bare at holde dem hen.
14 November, 2007 - 22:59
flot af Miles at tage sig tid til at forklare brugerne , hvad der foregår...særligt hans detaljerede forklaring synes jeg er fint af ham! Fuld respekt for deres hårde arbejde, og lad os så få den patch hehe
14 November, 2007 - 22:36
Folk må sgu da slappe lidt af! At Miles er nødt til at skrive et sådant indlæg, burde sgu ikke være nødvendigt!
Just my 50cent...
14 November, 2007 - 22:23
Det lyder sku fair nok alt i alt .... man er nok tilbøjelig til bare og kæfte op hvorfor der ikk snart sker noget ... men man må jo nok indse at det nok ikk er helt nemt at lave sådan et GODT spil , som jeg vil kalde det .... HAr godt nok brugt mange timer på det efterhånden og venter spændt på den nye opdatering .... håber at opdateringen vil gøre op med de problemer der har været i spillet
14 November, 2007 - 22:19
At patceh, vil være klar ca tirsdag.. HVIS gametesterne godkender at der ikke er fejl i!
14 November, 2007 - 22:18
hmmmmm...... har tygget lidt på det og er kommet frem til at de der fm nørder hos SI måske alligevel er personer som jeg godt vil give en omgang øl hvis jeg møder dem på den lokale pub ! Kort og godt handler det om en ærlig og reel forklaring af hvad der er gået galt denne gang og hvor de er i processen for at løse problemerne. Desuden fortæller de at de gør hvad de kan for at løse problemerne.... også kan man vel ikke forvente mere af mennesker !
Jeg har læst nogle af kommentarerne på SI forummet og det er ikke altsammen kønt - konstruktivt ej heller............ men det positive ved dette er som jeg ser det at FM spillere er engagerede mennesker med store krav til udgiverne om det perfekte FM.......... men jeg håber ikke at FM 2008 bliver perfekt.... for hvad skal vi så gøre med FM 2009 ! jeg ser frem til den endelige patch også må jeg sige at jeg dagligt glæder mig over spillet... på trods af disse bugs og på trods af den ækle grafiske flade... som dog nu kan ændres idet diverse skins er ude..... god week-end
14 November, 2007 - 22:09
Zone 43
evt. oversætte det til dansk..
14 November, 2007 - 21:54
WTF nogen der kan fortælle mit i korte træk hvad det handler om ?? er for træt til at læse det lige nu