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FM2008 -> Rodekassen -> Resource Tool

  Tilføjet     Torsdag d. 31 januar 2008 - 14:30
  Navn     Resource Tool
  Uploaded af     Sunbao
  Størrelse     4,99 MB
  Downloads     443 gange
  Bedømmelse     * * * * * (7 Stemmer)

SI are proud to announce the Resource Archiver Tool is ready for downloading. We changed the format of our game files this year so that they are packed into archives – these are the fmf files you can see once you’ve installed the game. People in the FM community who make skins and other add-ons need a way to unpack skin, facepack and other archives so that they can examine or modify their contents, and they also need a way to create new packs so they can distribute them as single files. The Resource Archiver Tool allows them to do this.

It’s available for PC and Mac, and there is a full PDF guide available to get you started.

Thanks to everyone for being patient and giving us the time to get this prepared.

SI Team.

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4 Kommentarer til denne fil

 09 Februar, 2008 - 14:45
 United master
Hmm en oversættelse Smiley?

 07 Februar, 2008 - 21:24
Hva går den ud på?

 03 Februar, 2008 - 20:39
Du er helt gal på den.

 03 Februar, 2008 - 20:17
Go Pats!

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